Food That Fuels Success!

Indoor Cycling for Beginners

Food that fuels success!

How much water should I drink during my workout?  What should I eat an hour before?  What should I eat after?  In this video, we'll be answering those questions.

Tips for fueling your success:

  1. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store.  Stay away from processed foods.  Cut the sugar (it's empty calories).
  2. In the hour before your workout, eat a healthy carb (an orange or bowl of cereal) or a handful of nuts.  If you're prone to muscle cramps, eat a banana or potato.
  3. Drink 24-32 oz of water for every hour you are on your bike.
  4. After your workout, eat a healthy carb and protein (like a protein shake).

Got a favorite recipe or nutrition tip for fueling indoor cycling success?  Please share in the comments below!  We'd love to hear from you!