Why Selling on eBay?

How to Make $1,000 a Month Selling on eBay

Why Selling on eBay?

If you're a stay-at-home mom who loves to shop, selling on eBay can be a great way to make extra money.  In this video, Donna Boyer, a top-rated seller of cndfinds, shares how she got started.

Donna's Personal Story

  • A few years ago Donna found herself working part-time and wanted extra income.  She started making and selling crafts but found there wasn't enough profit.
  • Donna saw the television show "Thrifting with the Boys" where men shopped at thrift stores and resold items on eBay.  She thought "I can do that!"
  • With a 9-year old and a baby, Donna could shop four times per week, with each shopping trip being 1 to 1.5 hours (since that's all her child can handle).  On top of that, she works an additional 2-3 hours per week, which works out to be $25 per hour.

Want to see what donna's store looks like?

  • Donna's eBay store is called "cndfinds". Click here to check it out!

Have a Question for Donna?

  • Click here to send a message to Donna through her eBay platform.

Ready to take the Next Step?

  • Donna created an insider's guide to help you get started!  It's got her best tips and advice for getting started AND she shares the forms and templates she uses to keep her business running smoothly.  Cost is only $5.  Check it out here! 

Ready to get started? Here are Donna's Top-Recommended Products!

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